Free internet marketing strategies

learn the startegies you need to promote and market your online business for free. Aliyu daku shares his marketing tips

Friday, March 17, 2006

How do I build a website?The is usually the first problem faced by people that want to start an online business. And it is the most question asked by people thinking of starting a business online.
Well, the easiest and fastest way to solve this problem is to hire a web designer or ask a friend who knows HTML to do it for you. But you don't actually need to know html to do it yourself.
In order for you to build a website, you need to learn a program like Microsoft Frontpage which comes with your windows. Another program you can use is Macromedia Dreamweaver.
You can just copy template from the program and put your content in them, but REMEMBER the look of your site will very much determine the site's success or failure. Design professionally looking sites, use tables to format your pages, don't use too much colors, stick to 3 colors or less in each page, try using a theme, use white background color (don't use black or any crazy color). KEEP IT SIMPLE!!!
Just look at this site, it may not be fine but atleast it's worth reading and it serves it's purpose. I'm not saying you should make your's this ugly, but most importantly, make sure it's good enough to serve it's purpose.
Last but not the least go through the HELP topics in Microsoft Frontpage, it will help you a lot. And always get a second, third and even fourth opinion on webpages you build. Look at other pages on the Net and ask yourself if your site is good enough to be up there.
I strongly recommend that you do get help from a professional because building webpages THAT WILL WORK can get a little harder than you think.
If I find time, I'm thinking of putting a detailed tutorial on how to create a website, step-by-step. Remember any problems contact me. I'll see if I can help.

Here are some links to articles on my site


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